General Training Information

Please take a moment to scroll down and review the options to decide whether you would prefer one Individual Private Lesson or the discounted Basic Manners Private Lesson package. To request training, please submit the registration form below. I will contact you to schedule your lessons, which will be held at my training facility.

 Please note, I do not work with dogs that display aggression. 

I focus on basic manners for pet dogs, and refer out for dogs needing behavior modification for aggression and other serious issues. 

**Click here to view my helpful crate training and potty training ebooks**


Basic Manners Private Lesson Package:

This package includes three private lessons (roughly 50-60 minutes each), a bag of treats, and a training collar. Priced at $325, it can be tailored for both puppies and adult dogs. We will cover the following topics and address any questions or concerns you have about your puppy/dog:

  • Sit
  • Lay down
  • Come when called
  • Walk on a leash
  • Stay
  • Introduction to agility
  • Troubleshooting issues and concerns


Individual Private Lesson:

Individual private lessons are also available for those who prefer a pay-as-you-go option. These sessions will focus on basic manners for your dog. Each lesson will be customized to your dog’s unique challenges and will last approximately 50-60 minutes. The cost for an individual private lesson is $125.



  • All dogs must be up to date on the combo vaccination as well as the rabies vaccination. Please provide proof of vaccines. Puppies must be 4 months old and have all of their vaccines before beginning classes.

    I understand that participation in dog training is not without risk to my self, any family members or guests who might attend, and to my dog. Knowing this, I hereby waive and release K-9 Action, Tara Wilson and the owner/s of the property the training is held on from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage suffered as a result of my or my dog’s participation in any class, private lesson, training camp, or other training activity including any damage or injury resulting from the action of any person or dog, or for any accident occurring on the premises or its surroundings. I agree to accept full responsibility for my actions, those of my family or guests and of my dog.